To uphold and remember those of the show-business industry who gave so much to boost morale during World War 2 both at home and on the front line. To reinforce their contribution to the war effort through a lasting memorial along with presentations and educational programmes for schools, organisations and the general public. Thus creating a legacy to both present and future generations!
Since we began the appeal just over 12 months ago we have reached our second milestone of £10,000 and on our way £15,000. We are also proud to say we now have a Charity number.
The Trustees and Patrons invite you to help us reach this target by making a donation, or by attending any of our fund raising events.
Amount Raised
1940: Members of the public sit on the tracks while they are entertained by an ENSA concert party in Aldwych Underground Station.
Stars in Battledress
An organisation of entertainers who were members of the British Armed Forces during World War II.
RAF Gang Shows
Picture (issued 1944) shows - Final rehearsals of a "1914 Concrete Party" which is one of the items in an R.A.F. "Gang Show"
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How you can be involved
Are you the host with the most? Could you organise a fund raising cake sale, quiz night, bingo evening, dance or concert for us?
Are you related to anyone that performed as part of ENSA during the war as an actor, dancer, singer, comedian etc? If so please get in touch.
Wonderhood Studios are producing a Channel 4 series about WWII. The producers are keen to speak to ENSA veterans and their descendants about their experiences. They would be grateful if those willing to share their ENSA memories could please email: Rebecca.fairbank@wonderhoodstudios.com